Your Children's Dentist
in Richmond BC
Dentudio Dentists is a kids' friendly dental office. Let us keep your child's teeth healthy. Children under 2 enjoy a complimentary 'chair ride'. Schedule an appointment today!

Fissure sealants are polymer coatings that fill the grooves and fissures to protect teeth from plaque acids attack. The treatment is painless and non-invasive.

Having problem wiggling their teeth out or need a tooth taken out as a request from an orthodontist? We can help!

Our super friendly dentists are experienced with kids all age. We strongly believe that building good dental experience at a young ages is critical in long-term oral health.

Early Orthodontics
Early child orthodontic intervention can have establish beneficial facial growth patterns. This will reduce the future duration or even the need for braces. Find out how.

Children Cleaning
Children are recommended to have a checkup and cleaning at least once every 6 month. We will check for dental and dental facial developments.

Metal Crowns
Stainless steel crowns are used to repair a decayed baby molars and prevent it decaying further. They are made to fit the exact size and shape of a molar, and are used to cap teeth with large cavities.