Infant Oral Care
Many parents often wonder when to bring their infant in for their first dental visit, and often times have many questions on how to take care of their infant's oral health. This article will help answer some of those questions!

When should my baby's first teeth come in?
You should expect the first tooth to show between 4-6 months. Although most babies do not get teeth till 6 months old, it is still very important to care for their oral health early on. It is a good idea to get into the habit of cleaning your baby's gums soon after birth. Although your baby might fuss a little at first, he/she will get used to having their mouth cleaned just like other parts of the body. Establishing a routine early will form great habits!
How can I help sooth my baby when they are teething?
Some babies may have sore and tender gums when teeth begin to erupt. Teething can make your child irritable or fussy, and can cause restlessness, excessive drooling and perhaps even a loss of appetite. As a parent you might feel helpless but there are some things you can do to help your baby feel more comfortable. Gently rubbing the gums with a clean finger, using an infant gum massager or giving your baby a cold teething ring to chew on can help make them feel more comfortable.
When should I bring my infant to the dentist?
Typically, you should bring your child in for their first dental visit before their first birthday. However, if you notice any changes in their teeth such as staining or dark spots, you should make an appointment to see a dentist.
How can I prevent tooth decay as my child grows up?
Establishing good dental habits early is incredibly important. Baby bottle tooth decay, also known as early childhood dental caries, is one of the most important dental issues infants face. This condition is caused by the frequent exposure to sugary liquids, that can damage a baby's teeth. To prevent decay, never let a child fall asleep with a bottle in his/her mouth or to nurse while he/she falls asleep. Should your child require something to fall asleep with, consider a bottle filled with water or a pacifier.
Although these questions and answers only cover a tiny part of infant oral care, we hope it helps answer some of the key issues. Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to give our office a call or schedule an appointment with one of our dentists. Remember, it is important to start good habits early!